New Moon Eclipse + Build the Ultimate Self Trust

Season #2

Welcome to eclipse season! Eclipse season begins with the new moon in Virgo on Saturday, October 14th and closes with the lunar eclipse on October 31st. During these cycles, a lot of change and transformation can occur. What can help us to move through these changes with more ease is doing inner work and reflecting. This podcast is devoted to supporting you to release what is draining your energy and connect you back to what really matters in your life and brings fulfillment.


🎙Vata Healing Masterclass: If you've been experiencing Vata imbalances like anxiety, constipated, overwhelmed and unfocused, join my masterclass for just $33 for Vata healing recommendations and support for building sustainable habits this Fall.

🎙What is eclipse season and why does it bring so much change?

🎙The theme of New Moon in Virgo + Chitra Nakshatra

🎙Healing journal prompts for this new moon (grab a journal and a pen)

🎙Healing your paternal karmic wounds

🎙Embodying your four core values as your dharma in personal and career life

🎙Signs for being out of alignment with your morale code

🎙How to realign with your morales and act from a place of service

🎙Join my IG Live for more support in grounding during eclipse season

🎙Join my New Moon Ceremony for a Reiki Healing Experience to clear energetic blockages and receive intuitive messages from your guides this Tuesday, October 17th


Live in LA?! I am hosting an Ayurvedic Dinner Party in Silverlake, November 4th for Vata Season. This is a four course meal that is organic, local and sustainably sourced, all reflecting the wisdom of Ayurveda. This night will be full of intention setting, enriching conversations and bellies full of delicious food and tonics. Space is limited and will sell out. Get your ticket here.


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Did this episode blow your mind? Want to continue the convo?! Let's chat, send me a DM @Angelica_feminine_healer


Follow me on IG and sign up for my newsletter for more healing wisdom and intuitive messages on Vata Season and healing the Vata dosha!