July Astrological Update + Healing Meditation

Season #2

Oooh are you feeling all the astrological shifts happening in the sky? Today, we dive into all the current planetary transits for July and moving into August. We have had two major planet retrogrades happening that will continue through September. This means reflection, transformation and lots of shifts on the horizon! Tune into learn how to move through these energies with grace and ease and receive a grounding meditation with a channeled message for the collective.


🎙Life Update

🎙Saturn Rx in Aquarius--> why you are experiencing lots of obstacles and challenges

🎙Venus Rx in Leo --> what is shifting with the relationship to self

🎙Mars, Venus + Mercury conjunction

🎙Journal prompts for Venus in Rx

🎙Join our virtual Full Moon Ceremony, Kundalini Experience this Tuesday, August 8th at 1pm pst

🎙How to stay grounded during transitions

🎙Healing meditation to ground

🎙Collective channeled message


Events this month:

Join our virtual Full Moon Ceremony, Kundalini Experience this Tuesday, August 8th at 1pm pst

Join my local LA workshops and classes this month!

Full Moon Ceremony in Santa Monica, 8/31

Ayurveda + Hormone Healing Workshop at Riverbank LA, 8/8

Ayurvedic Dinner Party in LA (DM to get on waitlist!)


Are you ready to dive in head first into the land of hormone healing and aligning your business to your internal rhythms? Doors are now open for 'Ayurveda for Your Hormones + Business' CourseLearn more and join here!


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Did this episode blow your mind? Want to continue the convo?! Let's chat, send me a DM @Angelica_feminine_healer


Follow me on IG and sign up for my newsletter to learn how to heal your hormones and align your body and business to the cycles of the moon!