Ayurveda and the Emotional Body with Dr. Siva Mohan
Siva is a big picture person. An integrationist. A pattern seer. As a UN Social Affairs Officer and working globally with private clients for over 10 years, Dr. Siva realized that even educated, active people are missing the basics of wellness. Across cultures and continents, we are leading lives set up for chronic disease and discontentment.
Siva's mission is teach people to feel again; to be able to hear what their bodies and hearts are guiding them to shift. With an MD, and background in behavior change and education, Siva presents an empowering East-West Mind-Body version of Ayurveda. She guides her audience to build self awareness, emotional wellness, and clean life energetics. Her book, courses and content can be found at ayurvedabysiva.com.
Tune in to hear -
8:45 - Witnessing the oneness in Indigenous healing systems
15:00 - Finding her authenticity with Ayurveda
21:45 - On shifting focus to the Vikruti vs. Prakruti
27:00 - The importance of learning how to work with your emotional body
41:30 - Moon rituals for getting back to the feminine
45:15 - The two types of emotional dynamics in households
56:30 - The future of Divine Feminine Ayurveda
Enroll in the Divine Feminine Healerā€™s Course here
Find Sivaā€™s book, membership, and moon circle on her website ayurvedabysiva.com
Follow Dr. Siva Mohan @ayurvedabysiva on IG